Ganges Cross

Ganges Cross
Marks the spot where that Cathedral was to be built

Monday, 27 September 2010

First School interested

We now have our first school expressing an interest.  Mike North has put together an excellent flierand we are preparing a list of local schools to contact.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Bricks in the Wall

Monday 20th Sept

Thanks to Dave we have now decided on title and strap lines which are

"Bricks in the wall"   

If you build it they will come! 
The 50 year story of a cathedral built on faith

Next job is to see about inviting local schools and raising the profile for the event.  It would be good to collect as many recollections of building the Cathedral as possible whilst it is still in living memory.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

First Meeting

Met up with David Pollendine this morning to start putting ideas together for the drama.  Talked about the history of the Cathedral both before they built it and what has been happening in the 50 years since.  Loads of ideas buzzing about - Giant model of the Ganges Crossl; Pink Floyd's 'Brick in the Wall; sceptical voices; pilgrimage; The Angel of the South.  We will just have to wait and see how David can fit them into a 30 minute drama.
The most important thing we need now is a title.We all agreed to go away and come out with ideas by the end of this week........